About Us

Empowering Climate Champions in Zimbabwe

Welcome to our platform dedicated to empowering the voices of youth, women, and people with disabilities in Zimbabwe to become leaders in climate action. Our mission is to bridge the gap in climate knowledge and participation, ensuring that all members of society have the tools and resources to contribute meaningfully to building a sustainable future. We strive to create an inclusive space for diverse perspectives, providing educational resources, training, and opportunities for active participation in climate initiatives. Through our efforts, we aim to amplify the voices of those often underrepresented in climate discussions and decision-making processes.

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Why it Matters

Climate change has brought significant challenges to Zimbabwe, leading to prolonged droughts and severe disruptions in agricultural productivity. Recently, President Mnangagwa declared the 2023-2024 agricultural season a State of National Disaster due to El Nino-induced subdued rainfall patterns and subsequent food deficits across the country. This state of emergency has left millions facing food insecurity and has prompted urgent action. We call on our audience to watch the video of President Mnangagwa's declaration, where he outlines the challenges faced and the efforts needed to address this crisis. Click here to watch the video and learn how you can contribute to Zimbabwe's response to this national disaster.

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Concept Brief

Amplifying the roles of youth, women, and persons with disabilities in implementing Zimbabwe's NDC and NAP and other climate related policies and strategies.

The impacts of climate change and variability are increasingly evident through more frequent occurrences of droughts, cyclones, floods, hailstorms, and heatwaves. Climate change poses a significant threat to the global economy, with developing countries like Zimbabwe facing heightened vulnerability due to their limited adaptive capacities, insufficient climate knowledge, and heavy reliance on climate-sensitive sectors such as Agriculture, Water, and Forestry. Addressing this climate challenge necessitates novel perspectives, innovative development approaches, and collaborative partnerships across nations, sectors, and societies.

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Every Voice Empowered for Climate Action

Empowerment through Education

We believe that knowledge is power. By providing customized learning modules on climate science, policies, and sustainable practices, we empower individuals to understand the complexities of climate change and take informed action.

Facilitating Participation

We strive to break down barriers to participation by creating a space where everyone's voice is heard. Through community forums, discussion boards, and project collaboration features, we enable meaningful engagement and exchange of ideas among diverse stakeholders.

Building Resilience

Climate resilience is key to ensuring the well-being of future generations. By equipping individuals with the skills and resources to adapt to changing climatic conditions, we aim to build a more resilient society capable of withstanding environmental challenges.

Fostering Inclusivity

Inclusivity lies at the heart of our platform. We are committed to ensuring that marginalized groups, including youth, women, and people with disabilities, are actively involved in climate decision-making processes and have equal access to opportunities for growth and development.

Driving Action

Ultimately, our goal is to inspire action. Through access to comprehensive resources, expert guidance, and collaborative initiatives, we empower individuals to translate knowledge into tangible solutions, driving positive change at the local, national, and global levels.

Climate Change Partners Map

Climate Change Partners Map


Women Roles in Climate Change


Women can be influential decision-makers in climate change management at all levels, from local communities to international organizations. Their advocacy for policies and practices that promote climate resilience and sustainable development, including gender-responsive approaches, is crucial. Women’s participation in global climate negotiations ensures that their unique perspectives are included, leading to more comprehensive and effective climate actions.


Women have the potential to develop and implement innovative climate solutions. By using indigenous knowledge and understanding their local context, women can create energy-efficient technologies, sustainable agriculture practices, and water conservation methods. Women entrepreneurs can drive eco-friendly businesses such as eco-tourism, sustainable fashion, and renewable energy, contributing significantly to climate action and sustainable development.

Educators in Their Communities

Women play a key role in educating their families, communities, and peers about the impacts of climate change and actions to mitigate its effects. They can raise awareness of sustainable practices, such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions and adapting to changing climatic conditions. Through community education, women can foster a culture of sustainability and resilience against climate change.

Researchers and Caretakers

Women can engage in participatory action research to study climate change impacts and solutions, contributing to evidence-based policies and practices. Additionally, in their roles as caretakers, responsible for food and water provision, women can promote sustainable practices. By integrating climate action into their caregiving activities, women can enhance the climate resilience of their families and communities, ensuring a more sustainable future.


People with Disabilities Roles in Climate Change


People with disabilities can advocate for their inclusion in climate change policies and programs. This involves engaging with policymakers and stakeholders to ensure their voices are heard and needs are considered. Active participation in national, regional, and international platforms, including events like the COP, is essential for effective advocacy.


People with disabilities bring unique perspectives to climate change management by contributing innovative ideas and solutions. Their experiences and challenges can lead to the development of new approaches for mitigating and adapting to climate change effects, ensuring more inclusive and effective strategies.

Raising Awareness

People with disabilities can play a key role in raising awareness about climate change and its impacts on their communities. By sharing their experiences and knowledge, they help others understand the specific challenges faced by people with disabilities and how climate change exacerbates these challenges, fostering greater community engagement and support.

Participation in Climate Programs

Active involvement in the implementation of climate change programs is crucial for people with disabilities. They can contribute their skills and expertise to the design and execution of these programs, participating in activities like tree planting and waste management, ensuring that the initiatives are inclusive and effective.


Youth Roles in Climate Change

Environmental Conservation Activities

Youth play a pivotal role in environmental conservation through activities such as tree planting, waste management, and clean-up campaigns. These initiatives help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote sustainable practices, directly contributing to climate change mitigation efforts.

Advocating for Sustainable Policies

Engaging with policymakers and stakeholders, youth can advocate for policies that support sustainability and address climate change. This includes promoting renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, and other measures that foster sustainable development, ensuring their voices shape the future.

Research and Innovation

Youth bring creativity and innovation to climate change management by developing and promoting sustainable technologies and practices. Their involvement in research can lead to new solutions that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and enhance sustainable development, driving forward climate action.

Raising Awareness

Youth can raise awareness about climate change impacts and the need for action among peers and communities. By organising campaigns, events, and activities, they educate others on climate issues and demand accountability from governments and stakeholders, fostering a culture of proactive climate action